Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Second Day at Alligator River.

 Aunt Aggie at the face dock, Alligator River Marina.

This morning all of our looper friends took off and went across Albemarle Sound.  We got a call about an hour later from No Zip Code, reporting that the ride was bumpy with 3 foot waves and spray across their bow.  So we stayed put, but we felt that tug to go with the crowd.  The weather and wind did settle as the day progressed, and more folks left.  However, after lunch a new bunch of trawlers and sailboats arrived, so we have met some more boaters.

After waving good-bye to friends, we retired to the Shell Station for breakfast.  We had bacon and hash browns and biscuits.  Yes, they were greasy.  Yes, they were delicious.  George did a few hours of engineering today, and I cleaned the boat.  We filled our water tanks and the dinghy.  We read and napped.  It's a quiet day in Lake Wobegone.

I just made tortellini soup in the crock pot.  It will be yummy on a chilly night, and we will pack extra servings in the freezer. We had to resist the call of fried chicken in the Shell Station. They have a grill that's open until 6:30 pm.

We are listening to Laura Nyro, First Songs.  The best love songs ever! Also the songs we listened to as newlyweds in Norfolk.  We will be in Norfolk on Saturday, just a day early.

Another entertainment source for us is watching TV series we missed in earlier years.  Atlanta friends lent us several collections.  We just finished Carnivale.  That was heavy duty.  The darkness of the Depression era landscape and the characters' actions just about did us in.  We persevered, pulled in by the mysteries. What would happen to Ben Hawkins?  Was Brother Justin a good man or a charlatan?  Each character showed compassion and harshness.  Only two seasons were made, and I can see why:  The complexity makes it hard to stick with the show.  Since we don't have many options, and we can binge watch, we get hooked easier than the average viewer.    

Tomorrow we will cross Albemarle Sound, which has been lurking in my mind for a month.  Winds are expected to be less than 10 mph.

Here is the Shell Station with Aunt Aggie parked behind at the dock.

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