Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Low Bridges

Today we had two low bridges where we had to wait for openings. We need 18 feet to comfortably pass under a bridge. They both opened on the hour, and I was a bit stressed by the waiting. First, we came out of the marina and waited for the Wrightsville Beach Bridge (height = 16'). Two sailboats, Promise and Persuasion, were waiting with us.  We all wandered in the channel before the bridge, biding our time.  At 9:00 am we passed through.  We expected the next bridge to be three hours away, so we motored on.

The current was with us, however, and we came within range of the second bridge, the Surf City Swing Bridge (height = 12'), about 40 minutes early. When we were three miles away, George slowed down to 4 mph, so we would not be in a crowd.  However, we still were a bit tight south of the bridge. Promise and Persuasion plus two trawlers were present. There was shoaling on the port side.  The current and tide were moving the waiting boats too close for comfort.  Those ten minutes of waiting lasted a long time.

Can you see the giraffe overlooking the ICW?
A mermaid was next door to the giraffe.

We called our intended marina, Swan Point, all day, and got a weird busy signal.  As we moved closer and closer to that area, we tried to raise them on Channels 16 and 13, which we thought they monitored.  We finally had given up and decided we'd have to continue for 2 more hours, when Swan Point called us.  Tina, the owner, had been outside painting and missed our radio calls.  The phones in this part of North Carolina seem to be on the fritz, or they are affected today by something happening at Camp LeJeune next door.  Just in time we turned in to the marina, and Tina and John grabbed our lines.  Home again.  

This is a remote quiet area north of Topsail, NC.  George did some engineering work, and I read and napped.  The afternoon slipped away.  There is a lot of wind again.  It picks up in the afternoon.  Is this April?  Is it the shape of the coastline?  The wind is more on our bow, so we are not being rocked.  We have two fenders holding us off a pole.  I did sleep last night, and I plan to tonight.  
At my age sleep is the best luxury.  

Feeling pretty smart about our double fender work.

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