Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Beaufort, SC

These tiny birds gathered on our dock at Beaufort, SC.
This morning in Windmill Harbor we debated leaving or staying because rain was predicted.  The problem with Windmill Harbor, other than not being able to find the windmill, is that it is a community set apart.  We walked a long time last night and finally came to an outside road.  I had a feeling we were in The Truman Show.  The houses were beautiful and landscaped.  They just did not feel real. The chance of rain diminished while George prepared our taxes.  He finished, and we decided to push off and go to Beaufort, only 23 miles away.

Aunt Aggie is in the lock, leaving Windmill Harbor.
On the radio on our way, we heard that the Blue Angels were having a show today in Beaufort.  How lucky for us!  We had a reservation in the Downtown Marina, and the dock master said they were full.
We crossed Port Royal Sound, 5 miles of water, and entered Beaufort River.  I sorted my yarn and wound new balls.  George drove the boat.

After lunch, nap, and Words with Friends, we took a walk around town.  It is charming. They have done a great job preserving the old buildings and using them for new markets.  We bought brussel sprouts plus blackberry preserves with seeds at the Low Country Produce Market, which is in the former post office.  We had ice cream cones.  We also purchased Bernie Schein's book, Famous All over Town.  Tonight we are meeting Bernie and Martha Schein, former Paideia teachers who now live here, for dinner.

When we returned to Aunt Aggie, the Blue Angels were performing overhead.  The noise was deafening.  It would certainly strike fear in your heart if they came over your town unannounced.
All over the sidewalks and in the harbor, people stood, looking skyward.  People with boats sat up top and enjoyed the show.  Here are photos of the jets coming over Aunt Aggie.

Three jets over our anchor light.

Four jets in a cross pattern

Two jets

Two more over our fly bridge.

Four fly by.

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