Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Crossing the Neuse River and into Oriental, NC

We saw this sign around Beaufort, NC. It says, "Leslie, will you marry me?"

We left Spooners Creek early, hoping to get onto the free dock at Oriental, NC.  But two trawlers were already set there when we arrived at 12:30.  We pulled into a slip right beside them at the Oriental Marina and Inn.  There are at least five looper trawlers here now.  We've been leap-frogging with these folks along the coast.  They were in Georgetown, SC, when we were there too. There it was too rainy to visit well.  Today we will gather for happy hour and exchange stories.  We all are glad to be here after crossing the Neuse River in 15 mph winds on our bow and 2 - 3 foot waves.
When I called the marina and asked for a spot, the dock master said, "How are you liking that northern wind?"
     I replied from my seat on the stairs with my knitting on my lap, "Well, it's on our bow, which is good, but it's bouncier than I like."  He laughed.  The good news for me is that I am with George, who enjoys driving the boat in the waves.  I can help him spot the channel markers if necessary, but I sit down as soon as our course is set.
We had clam chowder at the marina restaurant for lunch.  George did some engineering, and I rinsed the boat.  We had lots of spray hitting the windshield, so I gave her a good wash.  Then I took a walk around another charming small town.

Oriental has 900 citizens and about 3000 boats.  They have preserved their old buildings and re-used them as art galleries and taverns.  They have dragon boat races and runs.  There is a tent with fresh shrimp and fish for sale today and a farmers' market in the morning.

 There's a fine sense of place and civic pride.

 Just saw this sculpture sitting in a creek.

This art gallery features local artists.  An artist is in the shop today, painting celtic designs
on drum heads.  The drums are used in celtic dance and music.  

Happy Friday!

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