Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.


Aunt Aggie, our boat, is named for Agnes Neal Hunter Liddell, my aunt Aggie.  Aunt Agnes was the beautiful and talented older sister of my mother, Betty.  She was an executive secretary for Standard Oil/Exxon and was an independent woman with a good job long before that was expected.  She loved to sing and played tennis and golf and bridge.  Agnes helped my mother go to college.  She was well loved by her family and many friends.  Agnes married later in life and did not have any children.  When she died, she left a generous amount of money to her nine nephews and nieces.  

Agnes died in 2005.  At the time our two sons had just finished college, and we had a good bit of debt to pay off.  When we found out that Aggie had left us money in her will, we were touched by her kindness.  George said, "If we ever get a boat, we're going to name it "The Aunt Aggie!"  So we did.

Here are a few pictures of the interior of Aunt Aggie:

 We do have a small tv.  Sometimes we even get real stations like NBC.  Watching Brian Williams on the news makes me feel connected to real life.

The refrigerator is like a toy.  However, we have learned to store a week's worth of food.

           George sometimes does some drafting work.  We have computers, iPad, and phone.

There's not much prep space, but George does his chopping at the table.

This shows the microwave, coffee pot, stove, and sink.  All built in. 

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