Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Celebration Sunday

Jesse and Linda Williams of A Bama Dream.

We are in celebration mode here on Aunt Aggie.  

We started our Sunday by saying good-bye to Linda and Jesse on Bama Dream.  They will cross their wake this week in Guntersville, AL.  We plan to see them again at the RV show in Atlanta in November.  

After reading the Sunday paper, we had brunch/lunch with Kathy and Kenny from No Zip Code at the cafe on the hill.  We had planned on ordering the omelets, but we arrived too late for breakfast and had to settle for BLTs instead.  Kathy and Kenny offered to drive the Murffs' car 45 miles south on Monday, so the Murffs can travel with us on the boat.  

We spent a few hours cleaning the boat.  We tackled spider poop and webs and leaves and dirt from locks.  Aunt Aggie looks much better.  As we were finishing, Sue and Dan from Tranquility came back from a trip home to Connecticut.  We were so glad to see them.  We had already planned to cook dinner for them and had a pot roast bubbling in the crock pot.  

Anne and Murff, friends from Atlanta, arrived an hour early, just as the sun was returning to Kentucky. They will finish our trip with us.  We unloaded their car,stored their stuff on the boat, and 
began our visit. 

We had a yummy dinner with the Murffs and Sue and Dan.  Our worlds collided with good friends from home meeting good friends from the loop.  Sue and Dan invited us to join them for a week in Marathon this winter.  Having plans to see looper friends makes our leave-taking easier.  

We managed to stay up with the Murffs till about 9:00 pm (Looper Midnight).  I forgot to write the blog, so that's why I am playing catch up this morning.

We are headed 45 miles south to Paris Landing Marina today.  Kathy and Kenny are bringing the Murff's car, and Anne and Murff will take a river cruise with us.  

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what crossing the wake means. We missed Anne this morning but she will be back and so will you. Cathe came early this morning so I would not be waiting long in the car. But she and Ceci beat me.
