Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Football Saturday

This is a photo from October 7, 2014, almost a year ago.
We stayed in downtown Chattanooga for our first night on the loop.

Today is cold and grey and misty in Kentucky.  We are at Great Rivers, Kentucky, the land between the lakes.  The Lakes are Barkley Lake and Kentucky Lake. We did a lot of laundry and made lots of plans this morning.  We are trying to coordinate finishing our loop, getting the boat cleaned and ready to sell, renting a car to get back to Atlanta, checking on our Atlanta house closing, and scheduling movers.  We made progress by spending a good bit of time on the phone and the internet.

Loopers gathered on the dock this morning to chat and exchange stories.  We met Canadians who are doing their second loop on Something Special and got to catch up with Penny Pinchin', whom we have not seen since Lake Michigan. We also had a visit on No Zip Code with Kathy and Kenny.  Lady KK pulled into the slip beside us.

We ate our Patti's Restaurant leftovers for lunch. This afternoon we went over to watch the Alabama/Georgia football game with Bama Dream.  It was fun to be with Jesse and Linda.  The game was classic Alabama:  strong defense and exciting offense.  Jesse yelled, "Roll Tide!" twice out the door of the boat.  There was lots to cheer.

I'm sorry there are no photos today.  The day is dreary, but we are cozy on Aunt Aggie.

Our weather is supposed to improve on Sunday.  Our friends, Anne and Phil Murff, are coming tomorrow to join us for our last looping days.  We will say good-bye to Linda and Jesse and then do some major boat cleaning in preparation for company.

Captain George on October 7, 2014.
Obviously the weather was warmer last year on the Tennessee River.

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