Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Kentucky Lake

A good friend, Kathy, stopped her morning chores to say good-bye to us this morning.

We grabbed lots of hugs this morning as we left Green Turtle Bay to head south.  Red Eagle was going to Colorado.  We were leaving our friends, Kathy and Kenny and Sue and Dan, at least for a while.  Anne and Murff came along for the trip today as we headed south to Paris Landing Marina in Tennessee.  We were on Kentucky Lake all day.  It is beautiful and bordered by green.

Murff is a happy passenger on Aunt Aggie on Kentucky Lake.

Anne is serene on the fly bridge as we head south.

We had a quiet and beautiful day of travel.  We went 45 miles and pulled into the marina. Kathy and Kenny had just delivered the Murffs' car.  What a sweet errand!  They are dear friends. We got another Kathy hug, and they went off to explore the "Land between the Lakes."  Island Office was here too, so we invited them over for docktails. Anne and I had a field trip to Piggly Wiggly.  We got the supplies we needed, but we were both feeling relieved that we don't live in a small town. After our visit with Denise and Mark, we prepared a Mexican feast.  Now we are all having a bit of quiet:  Anne is reading; Murff and George are playing online bridge; I am writing and waiting for a phone call.

We said good-bye to Sue and Dan this morning.
We plan to see them in the winter at Marathon.

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