Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lunch Visitors

Molly, India and Ari
Here's the whole Wrede family + friend Ari.

We had company for lunch today! School friends, Barb and John Wrede, plus their daughters, India and Molly, and a friend, Ari, came at noon for a Mexican lunch on the fly bridge.  

Barb and John are two of the most talented, helpful and fun people working at Paideia.  I taught both India and Molly in sixth grade.  I was so happy to welcome them to Aunt Aggie.  They have been supporters of our trip since we first talked about it.  Barb grew up near here, and we had them on our list of folks to look up as we looped.  Seeing the plans we made two years ago unfold is special.  When you are teaching in Atlanta and dreaming of retirement and looping, you never know if it will really happen.  Can we do this?  Will we meet friends along the way?  Yes, we are did.

We like our spot here at Isle of Hope.  It is super quiet.  Right now it seems as if all the world is napping. Earlier today we got new neighbors.  A large boat wiggled inside and docked across from us. Lucky for me, they are not blocking the sunrise.  Will we still be able to leave on Friday morning?  This dock is getting full.  

We have the loaner car tonight at 7:00 pm and will try again to see a movie.  We were thwarted in our last attempt, but maybe tonight will be the charm.  Tomorrow good friends, Ceci and Jim McAuliffe, are coming to visit and stay for two nights.  Their room is all ready.  We hope to explore Savannah with them and celebrate Ceci's birthday.  We've all been to Savannah before, but it is a city worth many trips.

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