Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Busy Monday

We are still at Isle of Hope Marina in Savannah, GA.  We did lots of work today.  George did some culvert design work.  He likes doing that, and it keeps us in marina fees.  I compared my list of marinas, anchorages, and recommended stops along the ICW in South Carolina and North Carolina with the routes George has planned for us on the way to Norfolk.  I had gathered lots of information at the fall rendezvous and off the daily AGLCA Digest and from friends.  I wanted to fit that into our routes.  I sat upstairs on the fly bridge with the phone, iPad and my computer.  It was tedious to find some of these spots.  However, I chased them down and checked our plans.

We are devoted users of Active Captain.  We really pore over our daily routes and feel confident when we take off that we know the risks for that day.  We usually travel 32 miles/day and have both an anchorage and a marina possible for our night.  Thirty two miles gets us to our stopping point with plenty of energy left for setting the anchor and exploring.

Today we threw out the old cushions from the fly bridge and put in new ones purchased here. So it's lots nicer to sit there and do work or read.  Actually, someone adopted one of our cushions.  We had left it by the dumpster, and it is now gone. The other was gross - wet and mildewed.  It is in the dumpster.

The cushions don't match exactly, but they look sharp, clean, and they are comfortable. 

We took the loaner car to lunch, barbecue at Sand Fly.  Terrific!

Around 4:00 pm we went for a walk.  Now we are sitting upstairs, having happy hour and watching boats on the ICW, our TV substitute.  Today has been quiet, but tomorrow we have guests for lunch, the Wrede family from Paideia, some of my favorite people.

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