Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Almost to Charleston, SC

Yesterday we had such a great day in Beaufort, SC.  We enjoyed the town.  We had dinner with two great teachers, Bernie and Martha Schein.  It was such fun to be with them.  There are no two people as interesting as they.  Our conversation was full and funny.  Bernie is writing and promoting his book.  Martha works 30 hours a week as a therapist.  She is much in demand but tries to keep her hours reasonable.  We all enjoy our children and grandchildren immensely.

This morning we had a rough start.  First, George disconnected the neighbors' electricity instead of ours as we were leaving the dock.  Then we almost ran into their bow.  We had Looper Sex*.  He was in reverse when he thought he was going forward.  I was on the back deck, yelling, "Go forward! Go forward!  STOP!"  The owner came out on the boat with his coffee cup.  As I waved good-bye, he did not wave or smile. So much for a peaceful Sunday morning.  We did not touch their boat, but we came close.  I was shaken and accusatory.  (You can probably sense that since I am still writing about it 10 hours later.)

Surprises me to see a mom pulling three girls on a float in the ICW.  She also had two younger boys in the boat.

The rest of the day was grey and bumpy and long.  The weather is chilly and windy, so we did not like our anchorage choices.  We decided to motor for 8 hours, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.  That got us almost to Charleston, SC.  We are on the face dock at St. Johns Yacht Harbor tonight.  Very nice people and helpful staff.  We are tired and so glad to be off the water.

Tomorrow we hope to motor one hour into Charleston and enjoy the town.

*  Looper Sex is when one person stands on the bow, and the other stands on the stern of the boat.  They yell, "F*#k you!" at each other in frustration.  We didn't yell ugly words, but otherwise, we were there.

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