Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

North Carolina Beaches - Here we come!

The lighthouse is just for fun here at Lightkeepers Marina.

We are gaining sunshine each day.  Yesterday we had several hours of sun in the afternoon after we had pulled into Lightkeepers Marina.  We walked 270 degrees around the marina on the wide boardwalk.  We also sat on the fly bridge, read, and basked in the rays.

This morning we had partial sun as we motored into North Carolina, our seventh state.  We were very close to the ocean.  As we passed inlets, we could sometimes see breakers.  We felt the pull of the Atlantic at Ocean Isle Beach, which is where the Hunters have their beach house.  Now we are in Southport, NC, just below the Cape Fear River, which we will cross tomorrow.  We are at St. James Marina, a big development.  After we got settled in, the rains came.  It was cozy for napping. 

As I write this, we are entertained by dance music from a bar across the harbor.  You'd think they were playing just for us.  "I love the nightlife.  I got to boogie on the disco-round. Oh, yeah..."

The beach was so close when we came through here.  There were sand bars and a working dredge.

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