Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Super Bowl comes to Duvall Street.

A good looking member of the Key West community.
Today George and I cleaned up for our arriving guests, the Murffs.  We were feeling a bit fussy with each other after we tried unsuccessfully to repair a cabinet.  The catch is broken, and the wood is hard and slick and thin.  We cannot put on another door catch.  We did try!  We were cranky after the failure.  This cabinet holds our plates and bowls.  When we hit a wave, the catch needs to hold, so the plates don't come crashing out.

George suggested that I go downtown alone, and he would stay on the boat.  I could walk and do a couple of errands.  He could work on our accounting and play games on his computer.  We could be away from each other.  I agreed with his wise plan.

I talked to my friend, Judy Schwarz, as I rode the shuttle to Key West. She told me news of her kids and Paideia and Atlanta.  Then I walked all the way down Duvall Street.  I found Ana's Cafe, which was recommended to us by Jennifer Swift and sent her a photo and text.  She texted back, so I had a little contact with her.  I ate a Rocky Road ice cream cone at the Haagen Dazs store.  I resisted going to a bar since I'm trying to slow down my drinking on this trip.  I chatted with Hunter, my son, in hushed tones since it was nap time at his house.  Talking to friends and sons is so important to me.  Thank you for answering your phones!

Duvall Street was crowded and noisy.  Tonight the bars will be full of Super Bowl fans.  I spotted a few dressed out.
Have you ever followed strangers down the street to take their photo?
That's what I did.

On the return shuttle I met a couple who had just arrived at our marina.  They've rented a house boat and need groceries.  I wished that I could give them some food, but all I could think to offer was oranges and bread.  We will go to Publix tomorrow.  Tonight we're eating left-overs and cleaning out our refrigerator.  I was able to tell them about the fish monger behind the Rusty Anchor Restaurant.  Now I'm back on Aunt Aggie, in a better mood and glad to tell George about my adventures.  I bought Industrial Strength Extreme Velcro to try to fix the cabinet.  
This is the scene where I pick up the shuttle to return to Stock Island.

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