Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

No Name Harbor

The view in No Name Harbor from Aunt Aggie

We are anchored in No Name Harbor.  We had an easy ride here from Long Arsenicker Anchorage, where we were last night.  The water was a little bumpy but not too bad.  We mostly got a bunch or waves and wakes from other boats as we approached Miami.  We were happy to tuck in here.  Luckily, we arrived around 12:30 and got a spot.  Today is Sunday, and it's a holiday weekend, so there are lots of people here on their boats.  It is also a beautiful day.  We dinghied over to the wall and took a walk around Baggs Cape Florida State Park.  

This is the lighthouse at the end of Key Biscayne.

This iguana hopped across the road in front of us.

After a good hour walk, we stood in line for a table at the Boaters Grill back at the harbor.  It was worth the wait.  I had grilled snapper, and George enjoyed seafood paella.  Delicious!  The whole place has a party atmosphere.  We are now back on Aunt Aggie, enjoying the end of the day.  Sunset is on the way, and the day visitors are leaving now.  So it will be quiet soon.  Tomorrow we are going through Miami.  More adventure!

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