Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, February 9, 2015

"I wish I knew how to quit you." **

I wonder if the psychic at Mallory Square can tell our future?

We woke this morning to a gentle rain.  The forecast was for clearing at 8:00 am with winds from the South at 10 - 15 mph and waves 1-3 feet.  We wanted to leave today, so we made all our preparations and took off at 8:35 am.  The waves in the channel were rough, coming at us, picking up Aunt Aggie and then dropping her.  I had taken my dramamine, so I was not ill, but I was hanging on and staying seated on the fly bridge.  I was surprised by how rough the waves were.  What would happen when we turned to the east?  It was even worse, hitting us on the starboard side and rolling us.  George agreed to return to our slip at Stock Island.  So, we came out, tried it, and went back in.  Of course, this report sounds so calm and thoughtful, which is not what the scene on the fly bridge was.  I was pretty much begging for mercy, and George was ignoring or placating me.

The forecast is for higher winds for the rest of the week, so we will stay in paradise another week.  This may be why a lot of people stay here until March. Last night I was sad to be leaving.  Today we are going down for a late lunch at Sloppy Joe's bar.

My wish would be to pay a dock hand to go with George to Marathon on Saturday.  I can take a bus.  "We'll see," as the Captain says.

** Jack Twist says this in Brokeback Mountain.


  1. Yikes. Enjoy a margarita and try and relax. Sounds exciting or scary.

  2. You are a trooper, Martha! I probably would have gotten on the next flight to Atlanta. Hope all wind dies down soon or that bus trip works out for you. How long does it take to get to Marathon by Aunt aggie?
