Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rainy Day on Aunt Aggie

Last night's weather was perfect.
This is the first ever true rainy day on Aunt Aggie.  We have had showers before, but today soft rain started around 6:00 am and is continuing.  It is cozy here.  The sound of rain on the hood muffles any other noises.  It's like being under a tin roof. We have the sliding door open in the salon, and there is cool air moving.  The hatches are all closed, so it is stuffy in the bedrooms.  I think the rain will stop tonight, and we can open up for bedtime.

If we get through this entire day of 12 hours of rain with no leaks showing up, I will be so happy.  This is a test for Aunt Aggie.  I hope she passes.  Next time I wake up and hear rain, I will just snuggle down deeper instead of getting up to run around the boat and check for leaks.

Phil, George, and I all have head colds today.  We are a snotty group.  Anne escaped by taking the car to Key West alone for an adventure.  She went to the Hemingway house and the cemetery.  She did some walking around in the rain and just came home wet.  The sickly three stayed on the boat and played cards and read and rested. Our lunch was what we found:  peanut butter, oranges, bacon, chips and salsa, and candy bars (dessert).  It's definitely time to plan new meals and make a trip to Publix.

Last night we went to Mallory Square with the Murffs.  This was probably my last time ever going there and cheering for Our Boy Blue, our favorite performer.  Anne and Phil appreciated him also.  We saw his juggling act and then walked over to watch a sword swallower.  That was a mistake.  The sword swallower is 64 years old and has been swallowing swords for 30 years at Mallory Square.  He really just had one trick, so he did a long build up to the event.  It was hard to believe he really would put a two foot long sword down his throat.  It was gross.  I gagged several times watching him.  After he removed it and collected his tips, he sat down nearby to count his money.  We moved in on his space to watch the sun set.  Soon he was surrounded by his previous audience.  No one was paying him any attention.  He sat on the curb.  People stood over him, taking photos of the sunset.  It was a sad scene.

Anne took the two photos at Mallory Square.

The caption reads, "Sword Swallowing - Because football, baseball and basketball only take one ball."

Anne just came home with goodies:  wine and Key Lime Pie.  Perfect gifts for a Thursday in Key West.  Tomorrow the Murffs have to go home.  We will miss them so.

Kermit's Key Lime Pie!

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