Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Visitors from Atlanta

Dinner with Ruth and Steve

We had a second great day on Lake Michigan. The weather was cloudy, and we expected fog.  However, we had more of a haze on the water and no fog.  So we motored from 7:00 am - 2:00 pm and arrived at Muskegon.  The ride was uneventful except for our exclamations about how calm the water was.

It actually was glassy at one point.

We traveled with Sue and Dan (Tranquility) and came to the municipal marina at the back of Muskegon Lake.  Since it was Sunday, the lake was full of boaters.  All sizes and shapes of boats were out today.

The trip to Muskegon was so smooth that my shells didn't slide out of the window.

As we pulled to our dock in the marina, our steering stopped working.  There was no action from the rudder when George turned the wheel.  ??? He and I explored the rudder/wheel connection for a bit. 
(Hmm. I see what you mean. It seems not to be working.) Then our company arrived: Ruth and Steve Berberich, friends from Atlanta, came to see us.  They are traveling in their RV to see Ruth's family in Michigan and Wisconsin, and they included us in their trip.  It was great fun to visit with friends from home.  They brought lots of goodies, so we had a tea party immediately.  Then they met Sue and Dan, and Steve took Dan on an errand to CVS. (It was exciting to have access to a car.) Dan is a wise man in the way of boats, motors, rudders, and hydraulic fluid, so he came over to look at our problem.  Dan took a lot of time looking over the boat, following lines and figuring out what was going on. He is a treasure. He advised George about adding fluid. So we have to buy and add fluid before we can leave tomorrow.

We had happy hour together, marveling at the cool breezes and the terrific view from the marina.  
Bringing together friends from different parts of our lives was a treat.  They are all adventurers in their own ways. 

View from the restaurant where we ate dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Lake Michigan has a truly hypnotic view of the horizon. It was nice that you and your visitors got to seat back and enjoy that kind of ambiance. The boat mishaps kind of threw things off; it’s a good thing you were already on the dock when that happened. But that horizon is always worth looking forward to. Good day!

    Kent Garner @ Whites Marine Center
