Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Surrounded by Kindness

We have had a strange 24 hours.  Yesterday we came to Little Current after our hike and swim at Baie Fine.  After we were tied at the town docks, George said his ankle was sore, so he sat down while I hooked up the electricity.  Jesse and Linda from Bama Dream showed up, and we chatted happily.
We agreed to go to their boat for games after supper.  Once we had eaten, we were tired, and George didn't feel like walking to their boat, so I walked over and told them he was not feeling well.  George showered and got in bed to read.

By 9:00 pm his ankle was really hurting. The ankle hurt where the sheet touched it.  It hurt all around, not just in one spot.  This was strange since he had been fine on the hike and on the three hour drive to Little Current. He could not put any weight on that foot.  He slept fitfully.

This morning he still could not put weight on the foot, but the pain was less.  It was a rainy day, so we tried to wait for clearing before calling 911 for an ambulance.  While we waited, George called Humana in the US and the medical center here.  Thank goodness the medical center is just two blocks away.  We finally gave up on better weather and called the ambulance at 10:28.  Linda and Jesse came by, surprised we were still at the dock. Two great EMTs came on the boat and used a stretcher to take George off.  That made me teary.

At the medical center they took him in the emergency area and did the x-ray at 11:15. We read as we waited for the verdict.  The orderly came back and said the doctor wanted to x-ray his good ankle because the bad one was such a mess. She wanted to compare them. The doctor came in and reported that she cannot see any fracture.  He has a bad sprain. We got crutches ($25) and a prescription for a boot, so he can stand.  She said just to take Advil and Tylenol as needed for pain.

A woman in the emergency waiting room with her mother offered us a ride to the pharmacy where we needed to get the boot.  Sally, our new best friend, zipped us to the pharmacy, saving us time and money. The pharmacist discussed boot options with George and fitted him.  We called a taxi and got back at the boat at 2:00 pm.  Jesse and Linda had come by the medical center to check on us and showed up at the boat to help get George back on board.

The whole experience took just 3.5 hours and cost $680 (med center) and $120 (pharmacy). So many people were helpful:  Jesse, Linda, the ambulance guys, the doctor and orderly, Sally, the pharmacist, and the taxi driver.  We are blessed.

Of course, George is napping now.  We expect to stay in Little Current this week and maybe resume our trip on Friday.

George, feeling better, after the medical center adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. And, you all were so proud of George's hiking. Strange, huh? There sure are nice people out there. When I tell Turk, he will want to cook something for you. Just wish we could get it to you. Rest up and take care. Aunt Aggie needs the captain!
