Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Baie Fine and Little Current

Today we went two places, each about 25 miles away.  First, we left Killarney at 7:00 am and drove to Baie Fine, which has been described as the only fjord in North America.  For those of you who have not studied your geography lately, a fjord is a long narrow inlet with steep sides created by glacial erosion. This is one of those looper spots we've heard about for a long time.  It was not what I expected.  I thought it would be so tight that we might have trouble turning around.  It was plenty wide.  It was beautiful with green forests going up rock sides and clear water.  We tried to anchor several places, but they were too deep.  So we moved closer to the pool at the end of the inlet.

We left Aunt Aggie about 3 miles from the end and took the dinghy in for 3 miles.  Our friends, Keri and Monty from Dream Girl, were there too.  We chatted at their boat and then dinghied over to a place where the hike begins.  We hiked up a hill.  Thank goodness Keri and Monty were there.  Otherwise, I would have backed out of the hike.  George and I do not hike together.  He has bad ankles, and I am a chicken.  But with Keri and Monty present, we kept plugging along.  We were wearing inappropriate shoes too, our Keens for stepping into water.

We made it to the top and saw Lake Topaz, a turquoise round lake.  What a treat!  We swam in the cold, clear water.  You could see the bottom.  You could see your legs and toes below the surface.  It was glorious.

They stayed for a picnic, and George and I walked back to the dinghy.  On the way back to Aunt Aggie we ran out of gas.  Oh, no!  But before we could totally panic or start rowing, three kind French Canadians stopped and towed us to our boat.  What great guys!

We pulled up our anchor and took off for Little Current, 25 miles away.  We had some bumpy seas, but not really high waves.  We arrived here at 5:15 pm.  As we were connecting our electrical cords, Jesse and Linda from A Bama Dream walked up.  Yahoo!  So great to see them again.  We are going to their boat to play games tonight.

View from top of hill before we swam.

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