Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Captain down; Tenille takes over in bloodless coup. *

A cruise ship came into Little Current through the swing bridge before 7:00 am.

Just wanted to use that headline since I have made a serious power grab here on Aunt Aggie.  George is stuck on the boat even though he's feeling pretty good now.  I am doing all the captain tasks that were his:  paying for marinas, hooking up electricity, chatting with the men who help us tie up.

But George came through in a big way today by driving sixty miles from Little Current to Blind River Marina on the North Channel. As we motored in the channel and through the rocky areas and between tiny islands, I knew that I was seeing this land for the last time. We are on the North Channel of Lake Huron.  This is a beautiful and remote area.  It is quiet.  I am hoping for lots of stars tonight.

Aunt Aggie enters the Little Detroit Strait after sending out a Securité call.
This is a narrow passageway.

This is our final night in Canada.  We have been here over a month.  It has been wonderful.  The people were friendly, helpful, and fun.  Their enthusiasm for summer is wonderful. The fish dinners were delicious. The ice cream was plentiful and yummy. The scenery is stark and beautiful.
Thank you, Canada!

Tomorrow we will go 45 miles to Drummond Island, Michigan.  We will check in with customs, and
they will board our boat and question us.  Welcome home, sailor.

This is the view from our fly bridge tonight at Blind River.

*Have to give credit for the Captain and Tenille idea to our son, Harper.


  1. My hat goes off to you Tenille! I am glad to hear George is better. We miss you and anxiously await your return. Enjoy your visit with Cathe and Tom. Lv, N
