Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Exploring Little Current

George is much better today.  He slept well and took his Advil as directed, and he is not having much pain any more.  He stayed on the boat, doing lots of engineering work.

I went to the grocery with Keri from Dream Girl.  We walked up a hill to the store. When we came back, we saw this view of the port of Little Current.  Isn't it lovely?

We are spoiled by these wide open views of lake and land in Canada.

After lunch I walked down the dock and bought us ice cream cones:  Moose Tracks for George and Wild Blueberry for me, both super Canadian flavors.  I did a few other cleaning jobs and then walked down the street and got my hair cut ($15).  It looks much better.  The joy of being in this tiny town is real.  Walking to my errands is pleasant.  

Aunt Aggie sits at the town dock in Little Current.

Thanks to all of you who wrote and called about George's ankle.  It has been a fun day full of sweet messages.  We miss you and appreciate you.  We will stay here one more day and head out on Thursday.