Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Charlevoix, MI

Woohoo!  We made it to Charlevoix today.  The weather was good for us.  We had cloudy skies and calm wind.  For most of our 54 mile trip, we had waves under two feet.  Around 12:45 pm we had two foot seas on our port and 2 - 3 foot swells behind us.  So there was about 45 minutes of confused seas that were bumpy and not fun.  George did a good job controlling the boat. Otherwise, we had good travels.  We arrived in Charlevoix at 2:30, came through the bridge and into the municipal marina.

 George is driving the boat on Lake Michigan.

When the water was swirling around us, I tried to take a photo,
but I cannot really capture the liveliness.

This is a wonderful boating town.  Michigan built marinas along the coast, so boating would be safe. The buildings and docks are new and well maintained. There is a charming town right off the water with a grocery, shops, banks, restaurants and pubs.  The marina has a park and a water pad for children.  In the park right now the community band is playing their Tuesday night concert.  We have our doors open, so we can hear it.

The Community Band ends their concert with "Stars and Stripes Forever."

Tomorrow I have lots of possible activities.  We can walk to a cinema for the matinee showing.  We can also walk a few blocks to see the mushroom houses.  Someone has built several houses shaped like mushrooms. Cathe Echterhoff had told me about them over the weekend.  Today I saw information, so I can go and check them out.  We can also do some boat maintenance.

We will be in Charlevoix for a few days since high winds are coming tomorrow.  We are well tied and
content to stay here and explore. Dan and Sue from Tranquility are beside us in this slip. Penny Pinchin' is here too.  So glad to be under way on Lake Michigan!

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy! We are happy to see that you made it into port. Talked with you in Mackinaw City yesterday and saw you this am going thru the Straits this morning around eight am. We have a cottage just past the Fort. Have a wonderful time going to Chicago, just watch the weather and you will do just fine. Enjoy your journey. Mary and John, Passport 35 Mainship Mackinaw City Gold Looper
