Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Trying to get the Bow Thruster Fixed

We came to Wright's Marina because we have a broken bow thruster.  Yesterday they took it out of the boat and examined it.  They said they can fix it next week.  We don't want to lose the good travel weather that's happening around us now. So Wright's suggested that we take the motor to a mechanic they use in Sudbury, 96 km north.  This morning we left Wright's Marina in their courtesy car and drove to Sudbury.

We arrived early, so we went to a coffee shop nearby which had excellent wifi.  Yahoo! I drank too strong coffee and downloaded photos, checked Facebook, and wrote emails.  I have missed the internet.

George had juice and went over to the mechanic when the shop opened.  The guy said he'd look at it and call us.  We went to a really good grocery store and bought asparagus, pears, blueberries, and lots of cleaning products.

Well, this guy didn't have time to fix the bow thruster either, but he suggested a guy in Killarney, a bit further down the road.  We made a plan for him to send the motor to Killarney today.  We will play around in this area of Georgian Bay and head to Killarney on Monday, hoping to have the motor reinstalled then.

By this afternoon that plan fell apart.  Yes, our motor is in Killarney, but the mechanic there cannot fix it.  So they are taking it to Sportsman's Marina in Killarney today.  We will go there on Sunday and stay and pick it up.  We'll just carry it around until we can find a mechanic to do the work.  This means George will get more practice driving without the bow thruster, and we may not get to use it until Michigan.

We are surprisingly unperturbed by this turn of events.  We are changing into relaxed people.  Hey, it's only taken ten months.

Tomorrow we are going to anchor out at the Bustards, a group of islands with lots of safe and beautiful spots, or as George said, "Places to run aground."

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