Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

We are on the Trent Severn Waterway in Canada!

The locks are hand operated.  Here the lock master turns the crank to open the lock.

Yesterday we started the Trent Severn Waterway by going through six locks.  We only covered seven miles in 4.5 hours.  The first two locks were SLOW.  There were so many boats, and the locks are small.  We were in lock one with a large trawler and a sailboat, and there was just enough room to tuck us in the back.  At lock two we only had one line available, so we pulled to the blue line and said we would wait for the next opening.  We had only done two locks by 1:00 p.m.  However, locks 3 - 6 were easy and quick:  We were in the locks with a motor boat driven by a French couple from Montreal, and everything went smoothly.  

We were able to stay on the wall above lock six with seven other boats.  We had electricity and a shade tree beside us.  We walked to town, Frankford, for a few items and passed the Trent River, which had a sandy beach and families’ swimming.  We were charmed.  
Later that afternoon we came back and waded, and I went all the way in.  It was just knee deep, so cool and refreshing.  Jenny from Nearly Perfect and her daughters came too, and we skipped rocks.  
Here I am at lock six last night.

We had a potluck cookout under the trees with Nearly Perfect, Always Home, and Spirit.  The French boaters came too.  We grilled salmon and brought a salad.  

We slept well, quite tired after all the fresh air. 

We went swimming and skipped rocks in the Trent River.

Today  we left lock six at 8:00 am with three other boats.  We went through six locks together, rafted to each other to fit in.  It was a tight squeeze as you can see below.  We are now in Campbellford, having finished 12 locks.  There are lots of loopers here on the walls.  There is a farmers market tomorrow.  We will not travel with the group tomorrow but will leave later in the day and go fewer miles.  

As we drive by, kids wave to us on the canal.

Aunt Aggie is on the right in this photo.  Look how tight we are beside Always Home in the lock. 

Here are the two boats ahead of us in the lock.

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