Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Big Chute has a Bad Day.

 Even beautiful Canada has some issues.  This island has been ruined by bird guano.

Today we left Orillia at 7:50 am to go 35 miles to the Big Chute.  It is a beautiful sunny day.  There is no humidity.  We traveled with Sequacious, a boat carrying a young family from Staten Island, NY.  We saw interesting sights along the way.

We have seen every variety of water toy and boat.  Here is a slide on a floating dock.

We passed through McDonald's Cut, lined with granite.

We had two regular locks to traverse before arriving at the Big Chute.  When we were settled in the second lock, Lock #43, the lock master told us that the Big Chute was not working.  Then he said that there were no spaces there to dock because so many boats had piled up.  We were eight miles away and wanted to continue, hoping it would be fixed today.  I called Big Chute Marina, which is in the same pool as the lock.  Yes, they had a slip for us.  So we drove on and came into the marina.  Three guys came out to help us dock.  We had to back in, which is not our strong suit.  But George did fine, and we are all tied up now.

As we were heading to the marina, we heard people calling to us.  Nearly Perfect and Tumbleweeds were rafted together on the blue line for the Big Chute Lock.  They had been there since yesterday.
We walked over to visit, but the Big Chute started working before we could get there.  A cheer went up from the ten boats waiting.

 Tumbleweed is the first boat in the railway car. Straps cinch around the hull.
Nearly Perfect is coming in next.  Their granddaughters are standing on the bow.

The railway car carries the boats over the road to the bay beyond. 
We are looking at the back of Nearly Perfect.

Two bonuses:  Nearly Perfect had something caught on its propeller, and the
lockmaster climbed down and cut it off. 
Also the guy with the purple plaid clothes because it's hard to find that
in men's wear.

Tomorrow we will move to the blue line early and take our turn on the Big Chute when it opens.  Excitement in Canada!

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