Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Traveling to Trenton, Ontario

I sat on Don's back porch yesterday to write the blog. 

We left quiet Prinyers Cove at 7:30 am and traveled through Adolphus Reach and the Bay of Quinte to reach Trenton, Ontario.  We had a smooth traveling day with quiet water.  It was Sunday, so there were pleasure boaters out.  Lots of fishermen, sailors, and other trawlers passed us.

We passed three sailboats as we exited the cove.

This colorful sailboat was in the Bay of Quinte, 
The sail is the banner of Scotland.

When we got close to Trenton, we went under this parasailing adventurer.

We were happy to arrive in Trenton at Fraser Park Marina at 1:30 pm.  Lots of loopers are here.  This is the place to rally before entering the Trent-Severn Waterway, which we will do tomorrow morning.

I feel the old anxiety because there are so many boats here.  How will we all fit in the locks?  Will it be as crowded as the Oswego Canal?  We have heard that the locks are smaller and only hold four boats, so that would be an improvement.  We also heard that the lock master comes to each boat and organizes the lock. Tomorrow we hope to go through six or more locks and tie up on a wall for the night.  This is a part of the trip we have anticipated and heard about for two years. We are very excited to be here.    

We visited tonight with old friends from Nearly Perfect (Jack and Patti) and Seahorse (Angie and Dan) and Gypsea (Dick and Pat) and met new folks too. After docktails we returned to Aunt Aggie and ate supper.  We will soon be watching a couple of hours of House of Cards, season one.  We are hooked.  

Fraser Park is right beside our boat. 

Looking down the full dock; Aunt Aggie is at the back on the right.
Since we are in the back, we will do a couple of chores and wait to leave. I will try to be relaxed
as we move through the waterway. 

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