Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mooring at Prinyers Cove

 Behind Kingston City Hall we saw a performance last night.

We had a marvelous time in Kingston, a city of 150,000.  The streets were full of cheery young people last night and this morning.  We saw a buskers' performance.  I do enjoy watching fire juggling on a unicycle.  We ate delicious seafood and took a walk before returning to the boat.  

                                                           The fresh veggies and fruit look like art.

This morning we went to the farmers market in front of city hall.  It was so fun to wander and buy.  I got another hat. We also bought strawberries, cheese, bread, and butter tarts.  We've heard from other loopers about the butter tarts, and now we can eat some for breakfast tomorrow.  At a nearby store George bought two new pairs of shorts.  I just discovered yesterday that he was down to two pairs.  That's not enough since he wears shorts every day, and we just wash once a week.  So I shamed him into shopping.  

                                                             Another pretty arrangement

We left Confederation Basin at 10:30 am with no trouble.  Two guys gave us a push off the dock.  We had a bumpy ride through Kingston Harbor.  Then we got behind Brothers Islands, and the waves settled.  

Now we are in Prinyers Cove.  It is a lovely, quiet spot.  We grabbed a mooring ball on the third attempt.  I had never used a mooring on Aunt Aggie, and it is not so easy to reach from a trawler.  We used the dinghy to come to the marina office and check in and use their wifi.  There was no signal in the office, so now we are sitting on the back porch of the owner's home next door.  This is a beautiful shady yard.  Such kind people to let us come over and sit on the porch and write.  

                                                            George says life is a basket of these.

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