Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


 Summer flowers bloom at our daughter-in-law and son's house in Atlanta.

We left 73 degrees and cloudy in Albany, NY, and flew home to 101 degrees and sunshine in Dublin, GA, on Tuesday.  What a shock! This spring I promised not to complain about the heat of summer, and I have not.  I am glad to feel the rays.  

I could not write about our plans because we came home early for a surprise birthday party for Geva, George's mother, who turned 88 yesterday.  She was really surprised and enjoyed an evening with
girlfriends and all her children.  Geva is an amazing woman, who has taught me much about living. 
Last night George and I turned in at 10:30.  We had awoken at 3:30 am that day to catch our flight.  Geva and her friends from our generation stayed up laughing til midnight.  

We are here for granddaughter Zoe's birthday tomorrow and a wedding this weekend.  We'll return to Aunt Aggie on Tuesday, June 23, and head to the Erie Canal the next day.  Please check the blog again on Wednesday, June 24, for boating news.

More of Jessie's flowers

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