Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Party on Aunt Aggie

Today we had a party on Aunt Aggie.  Our friends from high school, Doris Tennant and George Moore, and their daughters, Hannah and Corina, came to visit.  Hannah's husband, Wyatt, and Corina's friend, Mac, came also.  We were excited to host them.  We were also flattered because they came from near and far.  Hannah and Wyatt live just north of our marina in Germantown, NY.  Corina and Mac drove in from Philadelphia.  George came from Vermont, and Doris came from Boston.  It was quite a convergence.

Mac, Corina, Doris, and George 

Hannah and Wyatt got married in October right when we were starting our loop.
We missed their wedding and said we would see them when we came to New York in the spring.
And we did!

Last night we had rain.  When it cleared, we had wind.  The wind blew our boat around all day.  Two of our guests felt ill and took dramamine.  That's how much wind there was.  It was hard to get on and off the boat because the wind was pushing us away from the dock.

In spite of the gusty weather, we had a good lunch and fun conversations about our past, Southern expressions, family, and other friends.  We learned what the young people are doing for work and fun. We told about some of our adventures on the loop.  It is true that the easiest parts to remember and tell are the dramatic and scary moments.  So we make it sound more exciting than our everyday life really is.

When the party was over, all the guests took a walk along the river while George and I packed
an overnight bag, computers, dirty laundry and recycling to bring off the boat.  We went to George's house in Vermont for the weekend.  We arrived around 8:30 pm and made tacos for dinner.  We also played with the four kittens in residence.  George plans to keep the two males, a striped and a grey.
Doris is taking the two black females home to Boston.  We all cuddled the kittens and enjoyed their prancing and scooting.

George enjoys kitten play.

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