Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

New York Harbor and the Hudson River

Aunt Aggie approaches Verrazano Narrows Bridge.

The sun is shining! Thank you for the prayers and wishes you sent us.  It worked.  We have 67 degrees now at 7:00 pm.  Hallelujah!

One of many ferries zooming in the harbor.

We had a great day in New York.  We left Staten Island with Blue Willow at 7:00 am.  There was 5 - 10 knots of wind, no rain, and cloudy.  We had some lumpy water in the lower harbor as we approached the Verrazano Narrows Bridge.  Once we were inside,e the waves quieted.  Of course, then we met the ferries.  So many ferries from different sides of the harbor.  They crossed from NJ to Manhattan at many points.  When you saw one ferry, you looked 180 degrees and its mate was coming toward it.  The ferries are fast.  We planned our time in the harbor to coincide with the times the Staten Island Ferries would be in port, loading passengers.  However, on a Wednesday at rush hour, they were running more ferries than when we visited on Sunday, so we had to dodge and duck and wait.

Blue Willow passes in front of the Statue of Liberty.

Blue Willow wanted photos made in front of the Statue of Liberty, so we met over there and took a bunch.  Four Statue Ferries were moving around that area + a state policeman was watching us.  George decided we were ready to move out.  They took our photo with Manhattan's skyline behind us.  (We have not downloaded that shot yet.)

Manhattan on our starboard, and Statue of Liberty on port as we move into the Hudson River.

After the hubbub of the harbor, it felt great to move north into the Hudson River.  What a beautiful river!  We were moving well with the tide, and there was little wind.  The sun came out.  We passed under the George Washington Bridge and sang Ernie's song from Sesame Street.  

Here we go up the river and under the GW Bridge.

The world became quieter.  We ate snacks and admired the greening of the river banks and the approaching mountains.  We passed Sing Sing Prison.  Did you know it was right there?  We entered Half Moon Bay Marina at Croton-on-Hudson at 1:25 pm.  Lots of looper boats are here.  

Aunt Aggie is first in line.

Vicki and I took a taxi a mile to the laundromat, so now we have clean clothes.  We sat around the pool with friends at happy hour.  We can hear the train to Manhattan whistling and ringing a bell across the street. Tomorrow we are going back to the city to visit the Brooklyn Bridge. 

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