Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Home is on Aunt Aggie.

First thing this morning I saw Echo and Orestes cuddled in the rocker.

Today was mostly about getting home. Aunt Aggie is docked at Half Moon Bay on the Hudson River.  Martha and George took a side trip to Vermont for the weekend.  Today we packed up clean clothes and computers and new jackets and climbed into George Moore's Prius for the ride home. We had lunch in Lee, MA, stopped by the Shop Rite in Croton for a couple of green vegetables, and arrived back at the marina about 3:45 pm.   

We were home.  When did Aunt Aggie become home?  The transition happened imperceptibly during long visits away. We would longingly talk about the next leg of our loop.  We would worry about the weather where the boat was docked.  We would get a call from a dock master about low batteries setting off an alarm.  We wanted to sleep in our own bed.

Today when we arrived at the dock, we were happy to see Aunt Aggie, safe and secure.  Some positive changes happened while we were in Vermont:  a new cleat held us tighter; new neighbors surrounded us; the sun was shining, and the wind was lower than when we left on Saturday.
We unpacked, changed into shorts, and found separation for a bit.  Now we are ready to walk around and visit with new friends (Chinook and Tutti) and old ones (Knot There is on this dock; No Zip Code's wifi is showing up in the list, so they must be close.)

Thank you, George Moore and Doris Tennant, for such a fun visit.  It's good to be home.

 George Moore's house in Vermont.

View from the deck 

Another view from the deck: The white flowers in foreground are giant peonies.

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