Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Back on the Boat

We returned to Aunt Aggie last evening just before dark.  We unloaded our rental car quickly and decided to have a welcome home drink and watch the sunset.  This is the view from the boat:

Then we went out to walk around town.  We needed to stretch our legs, so we parked and walked a few blocks.  Lots of folks were around, even though it was a Thursday. 

There are four volleyball courts right in town.  They seem to have a league.   So here we were in December, watching people playing volleyball in their swimsuits.

We heard reggae music from an upstairs deck and went up there for nachos.  There was a musician playing tunes.  The air was soft, and the night was friendly.  A woman entered and began to dance.  Another woman and I joined her.  It just felt right.  

Today we have done lots of chores:  unpacking, grocery shopping, painting a kitchen stool, cleaning up.  George also did two hours of drafting work.  This bird has shared our day.  He perches on our stern line and makes loud, crackling commentary.  Perhaps he moved in while we were gone and is unhappy about our return.  He's not easily moved.  

He is an immature cormorant.  He has a pink throat and brown furry neck.
Tonight Ed and Laura Parvin, who live in Dunedin this winter, are coming for drinks.  Then we're going to watch the Christmas boat parade in St. Petersburg.  Decorating your boat for Christmas is a thing.  I bought some lights today at Ace Hardware along with harbor blue paint for the stool.  (The unveiling will be tomorrow.)   Happy Friday!

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