Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Bad Behavior on the Low Seas: Does Friday bring out the bad manners of boaters?

Today was cloudy and chilly, so we ran our boat from the lower helm.  We also waited around a long time to leave Pelican Bay, giving the tide time to rise.  We finally pulled out at 11:15 am.  We had a good trip except for some bonehead boaters who came by us too close and rocked Aunt Aggie badly.

There was no reason to pass us closely.  Or if you feel as if you need to go so close, you should SLOW DOWN.  Really polite boaters call on the radio and tell the other boat that they are coming up behind.  They ask, "Do you want a fast pass or a slow pass?  Is it ok if I pass on your port?"  But today two yachts passed so close to us that I had to sit on the floor to keep from falling over.  They sort of came out of nowhere too.  And we do pay attention.  George was driving, and I was on look out for other boats, manatees, channel markers.

The second close passer was a real jerk.  I had gone below to sort clothes.  (I have too many shorts and shirts for my locker, so I am bringing some to Atlanta.)  When I walked back up, I spied the boat with my peripheral vision.  I saw him really close and his wake was about 4 feet.  I yelled and sat down.  Then he came by us, knocking us to port.  Books, plant, chart, shells I gathered yesterday - all went flying.  George immediately got on the radio.
George:  Island Girl, Island Girl, this is Aunt Aggie.  (We saw the boat name as they passed.)
Island Girl:  Aunt Aggie, this is Island Girl.
G:  Nice pass.  You threw our stuff all over the boat.  (irritated)
Island Girl:  Got it.  (couldn't care less)
A boat behind us said:  No consideration for anyone.
Then we watched as Island Girl came close beside two sailboats headed our way and waked them too.
Sail boat:  Nice pass, asshole.
George:  Must be Island Girl.
Sailboat:  Yeah, a real nice boat. (dripping sarcasm)
Any boats in the area can hear these transmissions, so it does give you a bit of revenge to know the name of the jerky driver.  The Coast Guard does monitor channel 16, but they didn't call to ask our location, so I guess they had some more important work today.  In fact we had heard earlier on radio that they had a live ammunition practice out 23 miles west of Charlotte Harbor today.

Later we had a fun chat on the radio with Two Old Knots, a Canadian trawler.  They were the boat behind us earlier. They passed us when we were almost to Ft. Myers.  George and their captain talked about doing the loop, where we are all headed today, when we are all going to Key West.  It's fun to talk to a comrade, a new friend.  Some time we may run into them at a marina.

I took only one photo today, the Sanibel Lighthouse.

We are tucked in at Salty Sam's Marina in Ft. Myers, staying here for a month.  We will take the bus to town tomorrow and shop.  We can also take a trolley to the beach.  There are two restaurants on site, a barbecue place and a Caribbean shrimp spot.  We're looking forward to eating out.  We've been well behaved all week.  Happy Friday to all!

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