Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Yes, it's a slow news day on Aunt Aggie.  We are preparing to leave the boat for 17 days, so we are doing some chores and packing.  We ate a weird meal for lunch:  broccoli, deviled eggs and apple with peanut butter.  That finished up some fresh items.  We did two loads of laundry.  It turns out that we only have one suitcase here, so we are checking a zippered shopping bag.  We are flying Southwest and can check two bags, and we really want to do that.  But we don't have two bags, so we're making do.

George is an interesting packer.  He wears shorts every day, and we only wash once a week.  Yesterday he had on dirty shorts, and we were going to the tax office. He started looking for clean shorts and discovered that he only had two pair here, both dirty.  He'd left the others in Atlanta after Thanksgiving.  So he went dirty.  We do assume that no one really is looking at us.

He is also thrifty.  I don't mind his economizing usually since that is one of the reasons we can take this trip.  This morning George dressed in warm-ups from tennis, so we could wash the shorts.  So far, so good.  Another item on our to-do list was a haircut for George.  Here is a man who does not want to pay $15 for a haircut at Super Cuts.  Instead he bought a Conair Home Haircutting Kit and asked me to cut his hair.  (He likes to use the #4 guard.)  When I was teaching, I did not want to do haircuts on the side.  Now I really have no excuse.  I have plenty of free time.  When it was time for the haircut, George changed into boxers (no shirt)  and sat on the blue kitchen stool out on the back porch.  What a sight!  I trimmed away.  The next thing we knew, a fishing cruise came by.  We heard their laughter, but we did not wave or encourage.  They probably were just jealous.  You can see how sporty he looks now, all cleaned up.

Did you ever hear Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story"?  My father used to listen to Paul Harvey at noon on the radio while he ate lunch.  Well, here's the rest of the story about Island Girl, the boat who waked us on Friday.  We were walking around the docks last night, looking at lights and boat names.  And there it was - Island Girl!  No one was home.  We took a picture and thought of revenge.  No good ideas so far.

We will be in Atlanta for Christmas and New Year's, returning to Aunt Aggie on January 3, 2015.  The blog will restart on January 4.  Happy Hanukkah!  Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!


  1. I see a second career for you, Martha!

  2. I am laughing at the sight of a boat driving by at the sight of you two. Ha!
