Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Windy and Challenging

Greetings from Gulfport, FL

We arrived yesterday and walked downtown last night.  The town looks artsy and fun.  There's a casino at the end of the street.  A huge crowd was in O'Maddy's, watching football.  Maybe Tampa Bay was playing?  We came on home for dinner because we are trying to clean out the fridge before we go to Atlanta.  If it's not raining too much tonight, we'll walk to a restaurant.

The weather is windy.  Rain and thunderstorms are predicted for this afternoon and evening.  We have our boat well tied and fendered.
Trying to dry towels on the porch.

A big challenge this morning was getting on and off the boat.  We wanted to use restrooms at the marina.  We also planned to wash the boat and put up the window coverings below and seat coverings on the fly bridge.  High tide was around 9:00 am, just when we needed to get off.  It was a three foot drop at least since the dock is not a floating dock.  I thought we were stuck.  Then we came up with a way to exit.  See George's demo: (Movie had to be removed in order to print this.)
Remember, this morning we had twice as far to drop down to the dock.  When we do a
maneuver like this, I always think, "That's why we didn't wait to do the loop."  We are just barely flexible enough for this trip.

This blog is going on vacation: to Dublin and Atlanta and Auburn to visit friends and family for two weeks.  We'll be back on Aunt Aggie by December 4 and resume the blog on December 5.  Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Cool, sounds like you had a nice time in Dunedin and TS. Let's get together again when you return to Gulfport. We'll drive down and do something fun!

  2. Hello Martha and George. Since George emailed me the link to your blog, I have gone back and read all the entries. Martha, I absolutely love your writing style. My spouse, Marilyn, and I are excited about being able to follow you and our previous boat as you complete the loop. Once you complete your trip, "Aunt Aggie" will have done the loop two and a half times, I think. So, you may be able to let go of the wheel, and she may know her way (Ha). We wish you the best of luck on your journey.

  3. Thanks so much for your note, Joseph. We do love our Aunt Aggie. Appreciate your reading the blog. It is fun for me to write every day.
