Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Once in a Lifetime Experience

We made it across the Big Bend and are now anchored outside Anclote Key.  The tide is low, and we were advised not to enter our marina for a few hours.  So we are in a pretty spot in 6 feet of water.
View from bow of Aunt Aggie

As we rocked and rolled last night from 2:00 pm - 10:00 am today, I thought of lots of headlines for this posting.

It Wasn't Pretty
 At one point we made a hard turn or had a big wave, and practically everything in the kitchen and salon fell onto the floor.  Yikes!

Poor George 
We started the trip taking turns driving the boat.  I drove for an hour and George napped.  Then he drove, and I lay down.  This worked until I woke up at 2:00 am and realized how rough the water was.  We had "following seas" which lift the boat and push it along, but can be very uncomfortable.  We were wallowing.  I did not want to be in charge with his sleeping at that point.  So from 1:00 - 6:00 am George had to drive with only two short naps (twenty minutes each).  I am sorry.  The responsibility felt too big.  He did a great job and is now napping loudly.

Dolphin Cruise

We had dolphins swimming between our boats and beside the boat before sunset.  The sunset was magnificent.  We took lots of photos.  

All's Well that Ends Well

That's easy for George and Shakespeare to say.  I just heard George telling Eddy, who helped us by leading the way, that he didn't think the crossing was that bad.  What?  Luckily, I never got on the radio and told everyone in the 9-13 boats around us what I was thinking.  I kept my craziness inside our boat.  We do agree that the main issue was the length of this experience:  It just went on and on.  So glad to be here now.  

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