Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lots o' Chores

Today we got up early to clean off the boat and be ready for the boat broker, Mike from Curtis Stokes. We took all of our personal belongings down and put them onto a nearby dock. We really stripped the boat down to the essentials.  It looked bare but clean.  This could be anyone's boat.  Yours??

Here is the front window as it usually looks.  For the broker, we stripped it.
It was clean!

Mike arrived soon after 8:00 am; we signed papers, and he took photos and video. He stayed all morning.  I did two loads of laundry while he was on the boat.

George and I walked over for sandwiches at the marina deli/store.  We paid for another day of dockage here.  Rain is coming tonight, and we cannot leave tomorrow as we had hoped.  We think Saturday will be a good travel day.  I asked about a courtesy car for going to the grocery and was told that a security guy might be able to take me to Walmart in the afternoon.

So Ron took me to Walmart.  I shopped and then called him, and he brought me back to the marina.  Great!  Getting to the store is a major accomplishment.  Since Ron was driving, I bought cleaning supplies and kleenex and shampoo and heavy items.  I also got fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy.  We are all set for the rivers.

When I returned, George was down in the aft bilge area, fixing the rudder indicator.  He actually got stuck and called for me to pull him free.  I did.  I did not run for the camera although I immediately regretted not having a photo.  (It's hard to get good photos from a chore day.)

We had to put the boat back together after preparing it for the boat broker.  We pulled up the dinghy and closed up the fly bridge area.  We returned all the personal items back into their places.  It is going to rain a bunch tonight, so we want to be tidy and secure.  It is cozy on a boat when you are ready for the rain.  When you are not ready, it is frantic and wet.

So we have done lots of work today. We are tired but pleased.  Happy Thursday!

Rain is coming.

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