Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Architecture Boat Tour

We took the Architectural Boat Tour this morning with Sue and Dan.

Chicago is a vibrant city with rich history and a wide range of architectural styles.  When the Great Fire burned most of the city's buildings, architects stepped in to design new spaces.  "A great city deserves a great architecture" is a quote we heard on our tour.  As we wound our way through the Chicago river, under bridges, below a blue sky, we appreciated the variety of sky scrapers in the Windy City.

For many years the Sears Tower was the second tallest building in the world. 

The Trump Tower occupies a central spot in the downtown view today.

As we motored by, we spied a boat named  "Summer of George." How appropriate!

The Cloud Gate in Millenium Park attracts people with cameras. 
It is very cool to see your reflection as you take the photo. 
Also the city is reflected.

Inside the Cloud Gate, looking up. 

After the boat tour, we walked with Sue and Dan to Millennium Park.  It was full of people, and there was a jazz festival. We admired the Cloud Gate or Bean as it is called.  What a marvelous sculpture!
Then we said good-bye to our friends, who are heading down the rivers on Tuesday. We are full of questions about the next part of our journey.  Sue and Dan will answer some of these for us soon.

We met George's nephew, Scott, for lunch at Park Grill.  I felt happy that our reservation worked so well:  good timing and great spot and lovely park setting. We had brunch entrees and heard all about Scott's classes, internship and job.  He is a busy man.  We are so proud of Scott: He is doing a great job managing his life. We all walked to the Hyatt, where George and I caught the shuttle to the marina. We were tired and happy to sit on the air conditioned bus for the 30 minute ride.

George and Scott after lunch in Millennium Park.

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