Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Back in Hammond

Sunset in Hammond, Indiana

We're back!  We spent a week in Atlanta with family and friends, and now we are back on Aunt Aggie.  I really needed to see everyone in our hometown, but I also felt torn while we were there.  Our looper friends were moving into the rivers, going to Joliet and Ottawa and even Grafton, Illinois, while we were visiting at home.  

Today we arrived back here at 2:30 after paying a taxi $76 for the trip from the airport.  So yes, Uber was cheaper.  We felt fussy.  We were tired, and the boat was dirty.  We have a boat broker coming in the morning to take photos, so we had to clean this afternoon.  

We started by moving the dinghy to a side slip. That way the boat's name is noticeable. Then we went
 up top, scrubbing, opening up the isinglass, and dusting away the spiders.  Spider webs are resilient! They survive the blast from the hose.  They just wait us out.  I know right now they are outside, reweaving.

Next we scrubbed the front and sides of the boat.  Then we attacked the swim platform and cockpit area.  Everywhere there was dirt, grime, spider poop, trapped insects.  One thing I hate about cleaning the boat is that as I clean, I see more dirt.  I want to clean more.  I am not satisfied.  

After we cleaned, we came inside and had a gin and tonic.  The sun worked its magic, and the boat definitely looked better.  It is not perfect, but it is better.  We had eggs, grits, and toast for supper and watched John Oliver and Steven Colbert.  George went to bed early.  I started a new book.  

Hammond Marina is quiet.  No one seems to be here with us.  All we hear is train whistles.  It is an isolated place.  Only one looper boat is here now.  We often are surrounded by loopers, but we also have these days of quiet and solitude where it is just George and me.  This is different from our life in Atlanta, but I appreciate the solitude.

Another view of the sunset today.

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