Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Our first Fishing Tournament

Here's the official tee shirt for the tourney.
Today and tomorrow our marina is hosting a king mackerel fishing tournament.  There are lots of young men on fast boats across the road from us.  They wear long-sleeved tees printed with their team and sponsor names.  The boats have testosterone fueled names like The Young Guns, Som Beach, and Knot Scared.  The local team is Papa's Pilar, named for Hemingway's boat.

I was reading around 3:00 pm when I heard the weigh-in starting at the end of the dock.  I quickly went down to enjoy the atmosphere and take some photos.  I had missed the winning fish of the day, a 78 pound mackerel that is a record for more than this tournament.  It's a record breaking fish! Three of a Kind brought it in.  They placed it in a six foot long box that read, "Biggest Fish of the Tournament."  I tried to take a photo, but it was too long to capture except in panorama.  I'm sorry to report that the gorgeous fish lying in that box did seem to be in a casket.

Each team came in and chose one fish for the weigh in.  They had caught several fish, but they are not allowed to weigh them on the boat.  They choose the one they think is biggest and present it for the weigh-in.

See the team shirts?

Here you see the overalls the team wears.  

Most fish weigh from 30 - 45 pounds.  
Tomorrow they will fish again.  The winning team will have the largest aggregate weight, the total weight.  There are 26 boats participating.  First prize is $20,000.  The shuttle driver, Mike, says tonight will be loud on the docks.

In other news:  Thanks to Tom Moorman for this flag information:  The New England Patriots flag featured the face and Minute Man hat.  We still haven't identified the other flag.

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