Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Annapolis - Day 2: My Shopping Adventure

I walked by this yard filled with hostas.  Lovely, dark and deep.

We are settled here in Annapolis Yacht Club for the next week.  We moved our boat to the other side of Spa Creek Bridge, and she can stay there while we go home to visit.  We can take a shuttle from here to BWI airport as easily as from Baltimore, so all is well.  

George worked a bunch today.  We met new looper buddies, Kurt and Mary Ellen from Loophole,  and reconnected with two other boats.  We were talking to Kurt when Sue and Dan from Tranquility came under the bridge and headed for a mooring ball.  We cheered them.  We will meet for lunch tomorrow.  Kurt told us that Connie and Jim Gillette from Patriot are here too.  George called them, and they are coming over for docktails soon.  

I walked over the bridge to town, hopped on a shuttle and asked how to get to a grocery store.  The driver said she did not go near a grocery, but there was one out by the Navy Stadium.  Just then we got to the top of Main Street, and she said,"That's the shuttle you need."  She stopped and called the other driver.  I exited and got on the second shuttle and asked James, the driver, how to get to a grocery.  He said it was a short walk.  We drove out to the Navy Stadium.  James told me how to get to Graul's, the store.  I hiked one long block and crossed two busy streets with working walk signs, and there I was.  

I stocked up on a few items:  fruit, muffins, evaporated milk for coffee, tonic water.  Where was the wine?  Next door at Rite Aid.  Then I walked back to the street where James had left me.  I waited maybe ten minutes.  James pulled up across the street and motioned for me to get in.  He said I should just ride since it was so hot, and the shuttle had ac.  Two other riders got on and obviously knew James.  Very friendly folks.  James delivered me back to the State House.

Maryland State House

I like the curved brick work around the State House.

I do not have a good sense of direction, so I walked a long way to return to the boat.  I usually choose the wrong way to go.  Today was true to form.  However, I did pass charming houses and the Naval Academy on the way.  

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