Here's our boat!

Here's our boat!
Aunt Aggie is a 35 foot Mainship Trawler.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sunny day!

The sun is out, and we are able to open our bedroom windows for the first time this week.  We are all settled in Pickensville anchorage off the Tombigbee River, mile 308.  We are having a lazy day.  We're trying to anchor out five nights in a row, which will be a new record.  This is night three.  We are also trying to enjoy just moving 30 - 40 miles each day instead of doing really long days.  Today is the easiest yet:  22 miles and no locks.  So we left Columbus at 10:00 am.  We cruised three hours, went to Pirates' Cove Marina for a pump out, and here we are at 2:00 pm.  All set for a wild Friday night - fishing, reading, eating chili, watching Mad Men, season 5.  We do have cell coverage, so we can use the phone too.  

I missed one great photo of turtles piled on logs beside the channel.  They were sunning too.

Here's our spot:

We have a neighbor, a sailboat who was in here first.  There are also lots of fishermen nearby.
Happy Friday to all!

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